Top 10 Reasons to use Online Examination System for Schools, Colleges & Universities

Online Examination System for institution
05, January 2022

Growing adoption of new technologies in the institutes to upgrade their institutional processes and ways of teaching-learning, is encouraging the schools, colleges, and universities to adopt the online examination systems. The software is useful in conducting all types of exams such as semesters, mock tests, coding tests, entrance exams, and others.

Further, the NEP 2020 is focused on integrating education with technology and introducing the multi-disciplinary approach in education. Moreover, the increasing adoption of distance learning courses and programs among the students located at various locations across the globe requires an online exam platform for evaluating the students.

What is an Online Exam Platform?

An online exam platform is software that enables conducting exams remotely using a computer and the internet. The system automates several processes in exam conduction like setting question papers, evaluating students, checking their ID, and invigilation. It further eliminates the requirement of classrooms as the students can attempt exams from their homes.

Top 10 Reasons to Use Online Examination System for Schools, Colleges & Universities

Here are the top 10 reasons why every school, college, and university should opt for an online examination system in place of traditional ways of conducting exams.

1 . Automates the Processes

The online exam platform helps the institute to automate all the processes and tasks carried out for conducting exams. It helps the institutes to set question papers online with any types of questions, verifies their identity, and monitors them during the exam automatically without much human involvement. The software eliminates the monotonous task of evaluating the answers written by the students one by one and then grading them accordingly.

2. Conducts MCQ/Descriptive Exams

The online exam software conducts exams for all types of questions whether they are MCQ type, descriptive, coding questions, true/false based, and others. The questions are randomized by the system and given to the candidate to avoid cheating. Further, the student is allowed to upload images in the answer window in case they want to write the answers on paper for the descriptive type of questions.

3. Eliminates the Need for Paper

The system conducts question papers and exams on a computer which eliminates the need for paper and pen for attempting exams or setting question papers. This further reduces other paperwork like maintaining the mark sheets and storing papers on files in a dedicated space.

4. Reduces Requirement of Invigilators

The online examination system makes use of video and images from the candidate’s computer to monitor their activities during the exams. The system identifies people, books, or any inanimate objects near the student to avoid cheating.

Hence, there is no requirement for humans to keep an eye on the students during the exam. This reduces the need for invigilators during the online exams.

5. Enables Remote Examination

The software helps the institutes to conduct exams online for the students who are situated in locations that are away from the colleges and schools. This also increases the adoption of distance education courses and programs among the students. Further, the rising pandemic has enforced lockdowns and remote schooling in several countries which have left the schools with no option other than conducting the exams online.

How Online Exam Software Improves Test Security and Prevents Cheating?

6. AI-based Proctoring

The online exam platform makes use of AI technology for conducting and evaluating the exams online. Loads of data is generated after conducting exams of a large number of students. The data is analysed by the software to learn more about the habits and practices of students during the exams. The system studies the suspicious activities to improve proctoring and detection of malpractices during the exam. In this way, the software is getting better with the data generated.

7. Quick and Accurate Evaluation Reports

The system helps the institute to create detailed reports as per the requirements. It gives subject-wise, question-wise, section-wise reports, along with other formats. This helps the institute to make data-driven decisions based on the reports and their analysis.

It helps the teachers to guide the students in their weak subjects or make changes in teaching methods if the students are collectively facing problems in certain ways. Further, it aids the stakeholders to make investment decisions and resource allocation for the better functioning of the institute.

8. Reduces Examination Cost

The online exam platform reduces the cost of examination in the institute by conducting exams remotely. The institute does not have to spend on exam center, papers, answer sheets, storage space, or moderators. The software takes care of all these functions.

Further, it cuts down the cost of evaluation for the institute, unlike the traditional methods of evaluation. The students attend exams from their homes just with the help of the internet and computer system. This helps the institute to allocate the resources at other places for better learning outcomes.

Online Assessment System - A Comprehensive Guide

9. Eases Faculty Workload

The online examination software automates all the processes of an exam and hence reduces the workload of faculty members. The teachers do not have to go through every student’s answer sheet to evaluate their performance. The software does it for them.

In this way, monotonous tasks are eliminated and they can focus on guiding the students in improving the learning outcomes of the institute.

10. Safe Data Storage

The system collects all the information about exam candidates and stores it. Further, other information such as exam data, evaluation reports, question papers before the exam is safe in the system. The system keeps the data safe from any breaches or hacker attacks. Further, it can only be accessed by the faculty members on the restricted login.

benefits of online exam platform

How can MasterSoft help the Institute in Conducting Exams Online?

MasterSoft ERP is a highly trusted software provider offering robust solutions in all aspects of education. We cover everything from the management of the institute’s daily activities to admission processes and financial decisions. We understand that every institute has different requirements and solve their management challenges with perfection.

The online examination system is AI-based software, rich in features to cater to every aspect of exam conduction. The software is well equipped with the latest technologies and high security along with safe data backup options for the institute.

Posted By -
Gurudev Somani

Gurudev Somani,
Academic Consultant